Project Management
Project Management





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项目管理 08 聊聊项目管理中的大坑,那些认为理所应当的假设


项目中的假设是什么?按定义,假设是那些你认为是真实的事情:那些你认为以后会发生但还没有发生的事情,你觉得是真实的业务事实尽管你并没有证据。然而记住,我们不把这个叫拍脑袋,我们管这个叫Educted Guesses

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项目管理 07 聊聊项目管理中的大坑,那些认为理所应当的假设





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以下案例来自Project_Management_Case_Studies 2014,M. Kemal Atesmen, P5-9, Case 1.1 Company Cash Flow Issue Affecting




分析当前情境 总裁离开后,项目经历仔细分析了这件事情的严重性和当前情况。

  • 此突发需求的优先级为最高
  • 客户为第一次合作,客户对于这个要求的态度不清
  • 对于团队来说,要求将现在的工作时间缩减25%


  • 从工程部门调来一个工程师
  • 新申请两台电脑来并行运行程序
  • 每天加班一小时
  • 在4周将结构交互设计发给客户评审,保证接下来的coding不会建立在错误的设计上
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    Issue Management

    Issue Management is an important part of our daily project management work. But somehow it is not treated as important as risk management. I read some articles and made a notes on this topic.

    I’ll also post case study on this topic from my work practice. Stay tuned.

    A point or matter in question or in dispute, or a point or matter that is not settled and is under discussion or over which there are opposing views or disagreements

    Issue Management
    Issue management, therefore, is a planned process for dealing with an unexpected issue. – Project Issue Management

    Difference between issue and risk
    An issue is something happening currently, a risk is something that might happen in the future.

    Impact of an Issue:
    Project Failure

    Goal of Issue Management:
    The goal of issue management is to provide a formal structure for identifying, recording, managing, and tracking issues through to resolution to minimize any negative impacts to the program

    Who will perform the Issue Management:
    For some articles said it’s the responsibility of PMO. I’d say sure it is! But I’d also emphasize that Project Manager is the primary responsibility for a project, therefore he/she is the primary responsibility for the issue management of the project.

    Tools and Techniques:
    Issue Log

    Identify issues -> Log and assessment -> Assign respond -> Investigate -> Design solution -> Implement solution -> Resolve issue -> Close Issue
    In the meantime:
    Regular review
    Determine if need to escalate to higher management team
    Stakeholder communication

    Role and Responsibility:
    PMO and PM, responsible for issue management
    Assignee, sole person accountable for the issue

    Priority Define:
    High: If the issue is business critical and is a “show stopper” (Due date must be identified and logged)
    Medium: If the issue is business critical, but has a clear and timely resolution path
    Low: If the issue is not business critical but needs resolution at some point
    – Infosys training

    Escalation level:
    Level I: Issues are resolved and documented by the project team and/or work team. Decision deadline: up to one (1) week.
    Level II: Issues that cannot be resolved at the project team management level are submitted to the project director for review with the project team management. Decision deadline: up to one (1) week.
    Level III: Issues which cannot be resolved at the project team management level, or which are so sensitive as to require executive approval, will be submitted to the steering committee, for resolution. Decision deadline: up to 14 days.
    Level IV: Issues which cannot be resolved at the steering committee level are submitted to the Project Sponsor for review with senior management. In addition, an issue can be escalated directly to Level IV based on issue criticality.
    – PMO handbook (

    Issue Log (Template Download):
    Ref#: the sequence number of an issue
    Priority: the defined priority of an issue

    Submit Date

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